Friday, April 8, 2011

Foxsyd the Bahmi Warrior (Originally Posted 5/3/2011)

So, I have been playing in the world of Telara. I'm finding Rift to be a bit of a different game than World of Warcraft. I like both. Depending on my mood I'll be constantly switching between the two of them.

So far, on Rift I have a Defiant female warrior (Beastmaster, Riftblade, Champion) called 'Foxsyd', wish I hadn't named her that, but I've got her up to level 13, and I'm unable to change her name. So I'm stuck with a character with my universal login name that I've been using for the last ten years. I also suspect, that being the same name as my Twitter login, may be preventing me logging into Twitter from in-game which is a nifty feature of Rift.


  1. Hey Foxsyd! Brig here.

    I wouldn't worry too much about using the same name for your room and twitter. I've done it with mine. Heck, I'm Brigwyn in every game, online community, and social site I use. It's too the point I think may have to claim it as a legal alias. lol

    Anyways, glad to see you're rifting and wowing w/ glee!!

  2. Hi Brigwyn, yep, loving the MMO's, got to find some time for WoW at some point tho' LOL.

    As for the nick thing, I since figured out having the same nick is not the twitter problem. It's some other mysterious thing. I've sent a ticket about it to the Rift GMs, tho' I think it may be perplexing them too!

  3. Hi Ben, thanks for reading :)

    Hm.. maybe a bit Rodriguiz, I've always thought she was a bit Cassidy Freeman (Tess Mercer in Smallville) in her looks.

    Acutally, looking at that picture above she does look like Rodriguiz. But trust me, other screenshots/in game, Cassidy Freeman.
