Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Games Update - End of 2011

 It's been awhile since I last updated this blog, thought I should try and get back to it. Though I am a bit stuck for something really interesting to say at this time, thought a little update of my game status might suffice for now.

Early in the year I discovered Rift, as a result I abandoned my World of Warcraft account, never did get back. I might sometime in 2012, but right now I was and still am fully distracted by Rift (there was a 3-4 month gap in middle of year I wasn't playing any games, was about the time of Comic-Con, was catching up with all my favourite tv shows before the overseas trip to San Diego).

My main Rift warrior toon is now level 50 (Rift's level cap), still have not done many dungeons, and am on the low-geared side of level 50. Since I last blogged, Rift has come out with many awesome new things, including what pretty much amounts to a free expansion. Which is Ember Isle, a massive island with many new features. Spending a lot of time there, lots of things to explore, and love the 'Onslaught' quests, where an area is defended from an onslaught of invaders. Also, another new Rift feature introduced just 1-2 weeks ago was the Instant Adventures, now they are a lot of fun.. it's like ready set go! Right away. Doesn't matter if there are just a few, or a large group, it's just happens. Fast.

Been mucking around with some alts too, finding out best way to manage crafting and gathering. Figured out the hard way it's best to have one alt with weaponsmith, artificer, armorsmith, than spread between two different alts, otherwise you end up having to in-game mail same ingredients to two different toons... that's an extra pain in the ass.

As for other games I've tried out this year, and enjoyed. Terraria is pretty awesome, spent a bit of time on that one in middle of year. And have just started out with Oblivion and Fable - The Lost Chapters, I think I'm going to enjoy both.

Last night also tried out the Bastion Demo, I see the fun I can have there, though there may be some teething annoyances at first, as I'm not very coordinated with the movement controls, it's hard to keep my adventurer on the narrow paths. Which means he will often fall to his death.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Alt Rift

Last night in Rift was all about getting all 5 of my Dayblind Shard alts their River of Souls consolation prize pack. One of them got a Lorn disguise. Other than that it was the Grave Goods bag all round.

I had to get my one and only Guardian alt out of the past to get him the pack. I'd been dragging my feet, I find the Defiant starter area easier to get through. I'd previously had a Guardian on another shard, but I'd deleted it a while back. I did note once I'd reached the future in Silverwood, there were a few changes since I last started out in that zone on that other shard alt.

Anyway, wanted him to get to Sanctum, so did that, and he's only level 8, so that was fun!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Waste of Time in Rift

Last night much of my time in Rift was not really that successful.

Maybe not all, got some achievements, and... Spent the rest of the time running up the tree in Auld Warden, Scarwood Reach. Which is a bit of a Guardian area. I was trying to get the Mushroom Soup Achievement, wasn't there to gank anybody... But was pretty much treated as if I was.

Oh well, the nature of PVP right. I ended up getting tired, gave up and went to bed.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bug Screenshots in Rift


Should those abilities be under the General Tab?

Homemade Rift Armory

Rift at this time does not have an Armory where one can show off, and compare stats. So I've made my own right here, well, the manual way. Current stats for my level 38 Bahmi Warrior. Useful forum thread at Riftgame.com, with advice on fixing the stats below.

(Click to view larger image)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rugged Rift Adventuring

On Sunday I did Iron Tombs for the second time, went a bit better this time around. Didn't wipe on the firey dude at the end. Came through with no deaths at all. Can't say the same for a few of my fellow raiders. And I partly blame myself, I think as a tank, I failed.

So last night it was back to resetting my roles and souls. Trying Warlord/Paragon/Paladin for a tank spec. Will see how that goes, just need to practice.

As for my other Rift adventures, last night after role resetting and making some 'Rugged Steel Sabatons' (blue item that gave me an achievement) I ported to Scarwood Reach, wondered around aimlessly, completed some quests, helped another player with their quest (made a new friend). Picked up more artifacts. Noticed even though I have the Paladin soul with that restore full health ability, despite being in many close situations, I never had to use the ability. Yes, I rock. Altogether a pretty awesome night in Rift.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rift: Tricky Artifact Location

The other night in Rift, came across an artifact I thought was impossible to reach.
Check the sparkle above the 'W', that's not a star. Will have to click on the image to access the full size to see it. Might be able to see it better in second image. Third image, where I got a friend to fetch it for me. I cheer and watched, was much entertained. Lots of LOLs.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Clever Chromite Set

So there is my Bahmi Warrior wearing the Clever Chromite armor set that she crafted herself. All of it a Shard first, of course only because who would add 'intellegence' to an Warrior's armor.

Bit of a quick update... now up to level 33.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Foxsyd the Bahmi Warrior (Originally Posted 5/3/2011)

So, I have been playing in the world of Telara. I'm finding Rift to be a bit of a different game than World of Warcraft. I like both. Depending on my mood I'll be constantly switching between the two of them.

So far, on Rift I have a Defiant female warrior (Beastmaster, Riftblade, Champion) called 'Foxsyd', wish I hadn't named her that, but I've got her up to level 13, and I'm unable to change her name. So I'm stuck with a character with my universal login name that I've been using for the last ten years. I also suspect, that being the same name as my Twitter login, may be preventing me logging into Twitter from in-game which is a nifty feature of Rift.

Video Games... Totally My New Hobby

So, an update of my video game stuff… Maguire my human warrior is now at level 25. Has ventured into Duskwood, which is so very Sleepy Hollow. Surprised Maguire hasn’t lost his head yet.

Had become curious about the Rift game, have now pre-ordered it. Like a lot of PC games, it’s not Mac, I’ve now bootcamped Vista onto my Mac. Already have the Head Start Rift on my Mac…. Looking good! Looking forward to when I actually have some time for it.

WoW Update: Shenanigans with Maguire

Maguire had an easy one tonight... just went around killing boars for their meat, and mining copper ore. It was all about the professions tonight. Mining, Blacksmithing and Cooking.

Though later on there was some time for some shenanigans, like swimming above the water.

And encountering the biggest spider Maguire has seen yet! Scary!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

WoW Update: Maguire the Sneaky Ghost

So last night, after much swearing on my part, Maguire beat the Redridge quests. The last one was tricky, because to get the last quest item Maguire had to get past several beastie that were inclined to gang up on him. He died a couple of times. Though not a bad thing really, because as a ghost he was able to sneak around to a much better position to get the quest item. Then he RAN RAN RAN!

Tonight he’s going to start on those Lakeshire… Lakeshore? Quests… Or do some fishing.

In other news, Maguire sold his first auction. 2+ gold! He’s never had so much money before! And to think previously I would of sold that shield to a vender for 3 silvers, or something like that.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dire Condors Fly

One more WoW thing I forgot to mention… I had Maguire the Warrior up to Level 16, and I still didn’t know how to use any projectile weapon like a gun.

Wasn’t a problem till I got to Redridge and needed to kill Dire Condors, and the blasted things wouldn’t come down to the ground and fight me!

I had to stop what I was doing, leave the area to go some where I could buy a gun, then I had to figure out how it works. Grump. I like hitting things up close, like with a big stick.

Conquering Redridge

Maguire the human warrior in the World of Warcraft (not Maguire the Dwarf cat) has now reached Level 17.

I don’t think there is anything else to report, other than WoW has made me cuss more often, last night I heard the phrase “Piss Ant!” come out of my mouth, don’t know where that came from… Oh, yeah spiders attacking, right after a resurrection and while I thought I was in a safe area. Anyway, that Spidey is toast.

This all took place at Redridge… Which brings to mind another thing, a bloody blood elf (player) was at Redridge, getting in my way. But, fortunately, a combo of Alliance guards and spiders killed her, ha ha!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


It's Jayta the Goblin Warlock! Am trying new things on World of Warcraft tonight, new Realm, new characters, trying out the Horde ones.

Also, tried a Undead Hunter, because I like the big redback spider that the Hunter has as a pet. Which makes squishy sounds, you know in real life, spiders don't squish when they move around. But anyway, I got kind of bored and sleepy with the Undead. Actually, I think I just may be sleepy... long day. But good day!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

World of Warcraft Adventure Update

Last night I got my human warrior Maguire up to level 11 just before server shutdown for scheduled maintenance. And when I woke up this morning there was a shiny new fat patch to the game, all 3+ GBs of it are downloading now.

Maguire also experienced some interesting stuff in the last couple of days, last night by pure chance Maguire ended up on a totally different continent, partying and getting his boogie on at the Moonglade, as part of the Lunar Festival (anyone new to the game, do the firecracker quest, it’s totally worth it!)

Another little adventure also took me far out of my way, to Loch Mordan and beyond, where I discovered the Wetlands, got laughed at by another gamer because I attempted to board a ship and got bumped off, gamer told me it was because I didn’t have the Lich King expansion (well I do now!).

And then after all that I ventured into an area way beyond my Level, beasties attacked even while on the path, then I almost got death trapped in a graveyard because it was full of undead killing me! Everytime I revived I got killed again! Obviously, I escaped, eventually.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Human Warrior

Last night I got my human warrior to level 10. Then he kept on getting killed by Murlocs, had a enough of that shit, so went to Goldshire for rest and relaxation.

And those damn murlocs were not giving up the fins as quest items.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

WoW Status

WoW Status (2nd Feb 2011 8:59 AM)

My Blood Elf is now at Level 5.

Note: I bought the game yesterday, anything I achieved with the free trial version of the game I made null, and made a new start (with Battle Chest with The Burning Crusade).

WoW Status (3rd Feb 2011 6:49 AM)

Last night only got my blood elf to level 7.

And I was really hoping to get further, but I way overestimated. I kept on getting killed. The place is now littered with blood elf corpses that are all the same stupid character.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

World of Warcraft and Other Games Out there

I've never actually played many video games before, but lately I've become curious, and I want to give some a go. This blog is now going to be my chatter outlet as I explore the very new world to me of video gaming.

Most of the games I'll be trying out will be iMac and iPhone compatible. As I can not afford a console at this time. I may at sometime mention XBox games, but that's because my brother has the XBox, and I sometimes play with it when I visit the clan. He has the Kinnect, with Dance Central... it's freaking awesome!

Right now I'm trying out the 10 Day Free Trial of World of Warcraft, I started it Friday night. And I am thoroughly enjoying it. I plan to buy the game (I think the Battle Chest is the place to start?) tomorrow.

I've also added a few games to my iPhone, which are Dungeon Hunter, Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light, both of which seem good so far, I've not really ventured much into them yet. And there was Eternal Legacy, which was complete crap.